
Your go-to guide for tattoo
Best wishes on your newly acquired tattoo! Now that the easy part is over—no, we’re not kidding. It is now your duty to make sure the new design heals properly and will look fantastic for years to come after you leave the studio with your magnificent new ink.
Although aftercare may feel daunting, we’ve put up a day-by-day guide for your convenience. Naturally, if you need any additional guidance, don’t hesitate to contact us. If you have any questions. Recall that the most important aspect of getting a tattoo is the healing process, which guarantees that it will look amazing for life.
Aftercare Instructions for your new tattoo
The first 3 weeks of healing will determine how your tattoo heals and looks forever so please follow…
After your tattoo procedure: (it is normal for the tattoo to ooze plasma discharge, and ink the first 24 hrs)
- Remove the bandage after 2-3 hours (this is important to let the skin heal up before being exposed).
- Wash tattoo using fingertips with warm water and a (non-scented) bar soap (Dial Gold), rinse well.
- Gently pat tattoo dry with a clean paper towel (do not rub), allow to air dry for a few minutes.
- Apply a small amount of tattoo aftercare to your tattoo apply light like you do lotion, do not layer).
Days: 1-3 (Recommended to do at the end of shower. KEEP SHOWERS COOL AND QUICK!)
- Wash tattoo ONCE a day using fingertips with warm water and a (non-scented) bar soap.
- Rinse with coll water (this will help close pores and keep ink in).
- Pat dry with a paper towel (do not rub) Allow to air dry for a few minutes. (10-15min.)
- Apply ointment a total of 3-4 times per day (do not overapply).
Days: 4-21 (Keep showers cool and quick!!)
(Your tattoo will eventually scab over and start to peel. This is normal during the healing process, DO NOT pic or peel)
- Wash your hands and follow washing and drying instructions from days 1-3.
- Stop ointment and switch to a plain unscented hand lotion (something light not thick or heavy)
(We recommend something like Lubriderm) Apply lotion a total of 3-4 times per day.
Things to AVOID while healing (3-4 weeks)
Do NOT pick, scratch, peel, slap, rub your tattoo. This can cause damage to the skin and surrounding area and can lead to an infection. It can also leave blank spots in your tattoo.
- Do NOT soak your tattoo, Do NOT allow water to hit directly in the shower.(NO bathing, hot tubs, swimming)
- Do NOT over apply ointment or lotion (this will prevent the skin from breathing, causing redness and leakage)
- Do NOT expose to the sun (even for a few minutes!, THIS WILL CAUSE AN INFECTION. Use clothing or bandana to keep it covered)
- Do NOT sweat excessively (this can cause ink leakage and cause it to heal light).
- Do NOT allow direct contact with dirty surfaces, animals or surfaces any animals have been standing/sitting on. (e.g. counter tops, couches, bed coverings) bacteria can cause infection.
- Do NOT lean tattoo on edge or hard surfaces (pressure can push ink deeper into the skin).
- Do NOT wear tight fitting clothing/items (e.g. bra straps, watches, jewelry) or material that is rough (e.g. wool, lace, edge of jeans, rags on shirt) this can snage the peeling skin causing light spots.
- Do NOT re-bandage during the healing process (a fresh tattoo needs air to heal).
- Do NOT use petroleum products such as Vaseline, Neosporin, bacitracin, Aquaphor (these are not good for tattoos, petroleum breaks the bond of the ink adhering to the skin).
Signs of infection are, but not limited to redness, swelling, fever, chills, purulent drainage from procedure site, excessive scabbing, rash/painful bumps, red streaks going from procedure site, swelling past the area of the tattoo, open sores, swollen lymph nodes.
If any of these symptoms shall occur, please consult a medical professional as soon as possible. You should also notify Etched in Ink Tattoo and your artist of the problem and resolution.
What To Avoid With A Fresh Tattoo
Keeping your tattoo covered for too long
In order to initiate the first stage of healing, fresh tattoos are treated as open wounds and covered with plastic wrap. But, it's imperative that you take off the wrap before the six-hour mark since blood and plasma buildup might clog your skin pores, preventing oxygen from getting through and harming your freshly applied ink.
Excessive moisture and water
It's advisable to stay out of the water for two weeks following a fresh tattoo, including swimming, bathing, spas, and other strenuous water activities. Excessive wetness and moisture on your tattoo might worsen the healing process and raise the risk of infection.
Picking or scratching your tattoo
New tattoos frequently scab over as they heal, which is one of their most characteristic features. Picking or scratching, on the other hand, is among the worst things you can do because it may harm the tattoo's color and lines.
Excessive sun exposure
An excessive amount of sun exposure can quickly fade a newly applied tattoo. Avoid the sun as much as you can during the first thirty days.
You must wait until your new tattoo has completely healed—at least one month—before shaving the area if it is in a place where you usually shave. Reopening a fresh ink wound from shaving can cause problems for your just applied ink.
Tight clothing
Your tattoo has to be able to breathe in order to heal. Put on loose-fitting clothes so that air may flow around your tattoo.
Inside Mouth Piercing Aftercare
(3-6 months or until healed)
**follow directions for the other part of your piercings as well
Solutions that can be used:
- Antimicrobial or antibacterial alcohol-free mouth rinse mixture (¼ mouth rinse and ¾ bottled or distilled water)
- Packaged sterile saline (with no additives) (contact solution is not recommended!!)
- Sea salt mixture: Dissolve ⅟₈ to ⅟₄ teaspoon (.75 to 1.42 grams) of non-iodized (iodine-free) sea salt into one cup (8 oz / 250 ml) of warm distilled or bottled water. A stronger mixture is not better; a saline solution that is too strong can irritate the piercing. *
3-4 times per day, rinse well after meals and at bedtime during the entire healing process. (Over cleaning may cause discoloration or irritation of your mouth and piercing.)
To help with swelling: Ice piercing for the first 3-5 days. Allow a small piece of ice to dissolve in mouth as much as needed. Ice pops also work well, be sure to rinse after ice pop. Do not speak or move your jewelry more than necessary. Sleep with your head elevated above your heart during the first few nights.
Good oral hygiene: Use a new soft-bristled toothbrush and store it in a clean area away from other toothbrushes.
Brush your teeth and use your chosen rinse (saline or mouthwash) after every meal.
During healing floss daily, and gently brush your teeth, tongue and jewelry can be cleaned gently with gauze, Once healed, brush the jewelry more thoroughly to avoid plaque buildup. *
Things you should do: Get enough sleep and eat a nutritious diet, eat food in small bites (tongue piercing: keep elevated in mouth when eating to avoid biting on jewelry) (for lip/labret/cheek piercing: avoid opening mouth too wide)*
What to expect: some bleeding, swelling, tenderness, bruising, some discoloration, itching, secretion of a whitish-yellow fluid (not pus) that will form some crust on the jewelry. The tissue may tighten around the jewelry as it heals. The inner mouth will develop an indent in the tissue when a flat disk is present, be sure to make sure inside skin doesn’t heal over the disc. The skin will toughen up over time. Small amount of whitish skin around hole inside.
After a few weeks, the piercing may seem healed (the tissue will heal from the outside-in and may appear healed) but the inside is still very delicate. Always keep jewelry in your piercing for at least 1 year. Leaving it out for just a few seconds/minutes will cause the piercing to shrink and/or seal up. Most piercings could take a while to heal 100%/ Jewelry may be changed after 2-4 months (depending on piercing and how much your body is healing) Check with your piercer if you are unsure. *
What to avoid: Spicy, pepper, hot sauce, salty, acidic, or hot temperature foods or beverages. Also avoid sticky food (potatoes. Oatmeal, gum, candy). Playing with the jewelry at any time and/or excessive talking during healing (Long term this can cause permanent damage to teeth and gums and can cause the formation of unsightly and uncomfortable scar tissue, migration and other problems).
Do NOT use mouthwash containing alcohol. (This can irritate the piercing and delay healing.) Avoid oral sexual contact.(wet kissing/oral sex). Avoid chewing gum, tobacco, putting any items (fingernails, pencils, sunglasses) into your mouth. (this increases risks and can lengthen healing time) Avoid sharing plates, cups, utensils. Avoid aspirin, alcohol, large amounts or caffeine as long as your experiencing bleeding or swelling. *
Body/Ear Piercing Aftercare
(3-6 MONTHS or until fully healed up to 1 year)
How to clean your piercing: (best time is after showering) At the end of your shower allow water to wash over piercing to help flush out soap and shampoos.
- Always wash hands before handling your piercing. Rinse are well with saline spray, (using gauze) gently clean crusty discharge from jewelry using soft non woven gauze. (Q tips are not recommended because they are hard and can cause damage. DO NOT pick with fingers (be sure jewelry is clean thoroughly, if it does not come off easily, wet gauze with spray and let soak for a few minutes and it will come off easier) Do NOT remove any scabs that might form that are attached to the skin, this will open your skin can cause a bigger wound. Do not move or rotate jewelry, as best, *only do this once a day.
- Spray area well (where jewelry inserts the skin) and rinse well with bottled or distilled water. (There is no need to rotate jewelry during the healing process as this will cause damage to the soft tissue healing inside.)
- Dry area with non woven gauze (do not use hand/bath towels these harbor bacteria and can snag jewelry causing injury to skin).
Additionally: If you feel like your piercing came into contact with any germs, you can spray the area will with saline, rinse with bottled or distilled water, pat dry using gauze. Just one other time a day.(do not over clean as that will prolong the healing and irritate your piercing)
What to expect: some bleeding, swelling, tenderness, bruising, some discoloration, itching, secretion of a whitish-yellow fluid (not a pus) that will form some crust on the jewelry. The tissue may tighten around the jewelry as it heals. After a few weeks, the piercing may seem healed (the tissue will heal from the outside in and may not appear healed) but the inside is still very delicate.
Always keep jewelry in your piercing for at least 1 year. Leaving it out for just a few seconds/minutes will cause the piercing to shrink and/or seal up. Most piercings could take a while to heal 1005. Jewelry may be changed after 2-4 months (depending on piercing and how your body is healing) Check with your piercer if you are unsure. *
Things to AVOID: Do NOT touch the piercing with dirty hands or with finger nails as they harbor lots or bacteria. Stress, recreational drug use, including excessive caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol, cosmetic make up/hair care products, and hanging charms on the jewelry. Avoid harsh products (Betadine®, Hibicens®, rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, Dial® or other soaps containing triclosan, Bactine®, products containing Benzalkonium Chloride (BZK)). And DO NOT remove jewelry for any reason (removing the jewelry will allow the skin to heal quickly and you will be unable to reinsert the jewelry). *
Signs of infection are but not limited to: -yellow pus-like discharge-excessive swelling-redness -ongoing pain or tenderness -itching/burning -fever – chills. If any of these symptoms shall occur, please consult a medical professional as soon as possible. You should also notify Etched in Ink Tattoo and your piercer of the problem and resolution.